Strong Growth in Cash Deposits

Cash Deposits in UAE Reach Dhs687.2bn by October-end: Central Bank Reports

Marina K

The Central Bank of the UAE (CBUAE) has announced that cash deposits in the country rose by 10.2%, reaching Dhs687.2bn by the end of October. This represents an increase of Dhs63.7bn compared to the same period last year, when cash deposits stood at Dhs623.5bn. Monthly data indicates a slight increase of 0.19%, with cash deposits rising by Dhs1.3bn from September 2023.

Strong Growth in Cash Deposits

The CBUAE's latest data reveals that cash deposits during the first ten months of 2023 experienced significant growth, rising by 8.12% or Dhs51.6bn compared to the end of 2022 when deposits stood at Dhs635.6bn. This surge in cash deposits signals positive economic activity and confidence in the UAE's financial system.

Cash deposits play a crucial role in the UAE's banking sector. They are defined as short-term deposits that customers can withdraw without any prior notice. Cash deposits are often considered a measure of liquidity and economic stability. The increase in cash deposits reflects a growing trust in the country's financial institutions and highlights the UAE's status as a safe haven for investors.

The strong growth in cash deposits can be attributed to several factors. The UAE boasts a robust and stable financial system, with strict regulations and supervision by the CBUAE. The CBUAE's proactive measures and policies have ensured the resilience of the banking sector, even during challenging times.

Furthermore, the UAE's strategic location as a global business hub and its favorable business environment make it an attractive destination for both local and international investors. The country's efforts to diversify its economy, with a focus on sectors such as tourism, technology, and renewable energy, have also contributed to increased economic activity and cash deposits.

The surge in cash deposits during the first ten months of 2023 demonstrates the UAE's resilience in the face of global economic uncertainties. Despite the pandemic and its impact on the global economy, the UAE has managed to maintain its position as a financial powerhouse and a preferred destination for funds.

Quasi-Cash Deposits Increase by 24% YoY

In addition to cash deposits, quasi-cash deposits in the UAE also witnessed substantial growth. In October, quasi-cash deposits reached Dhs1.12tn, indicating a remarkable 24% increase compared to the same period in 2022 when deposits stood at Dhs906.3bn. On a monthly basis, quasi-cash deposits rose by 0.93% or Dhs10.4bn, comparing positively to September 2023 when deposits stood at Dhs1.11tn.

Quasi-cash deposits, which include dirham term deposits, savings deposits for residents, and foreign currency deposits made by residents, have become an increasingly attractive option for investors seeking higher returns than traditional cash deposits. These deposits often offer slightly higher interest rates and greater flexibility.

The significant increase in quasi-cash deposits indicates growing confidence among residents and investors in the UAE's financial system. It showcases the diversification of investment options and preferences among individuals and businesses.

The CBUAE's definition of quasi-cash deposits as term deposits and savings deposits in dirhams for residents, as well as deposits in foreign currency by residents, reflects the country's efforts to accommodate the needs of a diverse population and cater to the preferences of different investors. This inclusivity plays a crucial role in attracting both local and international funds.

The surge in quasi-cash deposits during the first ten months of 2023 demonstrates the UAE's position as a financial hub offering a wide range of investment products and services. The availability of attractive investment opportunities, along with the stability and transparency of the financial system, have contributed to the growth of quasi-cash deposits in the country.

UAE Government Deposits Show Steady Growth

According to CBUAE statistics, government deposits reached Dhs454.4bn in October, marking a 4.34% increase compared to the same period last year. Government deposits grew by Dhs18.9bn from Dhs435.5bn in October 2022. On a monthly basis, government deposits rose by 2.53% compared to September, reaching Dhs443.2bn.

Government deposits play a vital role in the UAE's financial landscape. These deposits represent funds held by the government in various accounts, including those of government entities, ministries, and agencies. The steady increase in government deposits reflects the country's commitment to financial stability and fiscal responsibility.

The UAE government's consistent efforts to diversify its revenue sources and manage public finances effectively have contributed to the growth of government deposits. Additionally, the government's proactive measures to attract investments and stimulate economic growth have had a positive impact on government deposits.

Government deposits are considered an important source of funding for various developmental projects and public infrastructure investments. The growth in government deposits indicates the government's ability to secure the necessary funds to support its plans for economic development and social welfare.

Currency in Circulation and Monetary Base Increase

The amount of currency in circulation also experienced growth, reaching Dhs129.3bn at the end of October. This represents an 11.8% YoY increase compared to October 2022 when the currency in circulation stood at Dhs115.7bn. Monthly data indicates a 1.65% increase, with currency in circulation rising from Dhs127.2bn in September.

Currency in circulation encompasses both physical currency outside banks and currency held within banks. It is a key indicator of economic activity, reflecting the level of consumer spending and the overall demand for liquidity in the economy.

The increase in currency in circulation suggests a vibrant domestic economy, with businesses and individuals actively engaged in transactions and commercial activities. It also indicates a growing population and an increase in consumer confidence.

Meanwhile, the monetary base, which includes monetary licenses, Islamic deposit certificates, current accounts of banks and financial institutions at the central bank, and overnight deposits of banks at the apex bank, rose by 29% YoY. The monetary base reached Dhs596.9bn in October, an increase of Dhs134.2bn compared to October 2022 when it stood at Dhs462.7bn.

The monetary base serves as the foundation for the country's money supply. Its growth reflects the expansion of the financial sector, increased lending activities, and the overall health of the economy. A robust monetary base is essential for maintaining stability in the banking system and facilitating economic growth.


The rise in cash deposits and quasi-cash deposits in the UAE reflects a positive economic outlook and confidence in the country's financial sector. The strong growth in cash deposits, along with steady increases in government deposits, currency in circulation, and the monetary base, indicates continued stability and growth in the UAE's banking system. These developments are favorable for both residents and businesses in the country, as well as for attracting international investors.

The Central Bank of the UAE will likely continue to monitor these indicators closely and implement measures to sustain this positive trend in the future. As the UAE remains committed to promoting economic diversification, financial stability, and investor-friendly policies, it is poised to maintain its position as a leading global financial hub. The growth in cash deposits and quasi-cash deposits attests to the UAE's strong financial system, regulatory framework, and reputation as a safe haven for funds.

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