Cosmetic Surgery in Dubai

The Surge of Gen Z's Demand for Cosmetic Surgery in Dubai

Marina K

Exploring the Impact of Social Media and Unrealistic Beauty Standards

The demand for cosmetic surgery procedures such as Botox, fillers, and liposuction has been on the rise in Dubai, with Gen Z driving this surge. Younger generations, particularly Gen Z, are showing a significant interest in cosmetic enhancements, outpacing Millennials and Boomers, according to dermatologist Dr. Mona Ragab Mohamed Elmeligy from Dubai's Tajmeel Royal Clinic. This article explores the reasons behind this trend, the impact of social media on promoting unrealistic beauty standards, and the wider availability of cosmetic procedures.

The Influence of Social Media and Unrealistic Beauty Standards

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of Gen Z individuals seeking cosmetic procedures, surpassing the interest shown by Millennials and Boomers. Social media platforms, such as Instagram, have become influential in shaping beauty standards and ideals. These platforms showcase flawless aesthetics, creating unrealistic expectations and pressures for young people. With the constant exposure to meticulously filtered images and perfectly contoured faces, there is a growing desire among Gen Z to attain physical perfection and conform to these ideals. Consequently, cosmetic surgery has emerged as a solution to achieve the sought-after beauty standards promoted on social media.

Dr. Elmeligy believes that the normalization of cosmetic enhancement procedures in recent years has also contributed to the increased demand among Gen Z. As more individuals opt for cosmetic enhancements, it becomes more socially acceptable and less stigmatized. This cultural shift has made these procedures more accessible and appealing to younger individuals looking for ways to enhance their appearance.

Rising Demand Among Gen Z Globally

Dubai is not the only place experiencing a surge in demand for cosmetic procedures among Gen Z; this trend is prevalent globally. The American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery reported a significant increase in clients under the age of 30. Dr. Elmeligy attributes this global phenomenon to increased awareness, technological advancements, and the influence of social media and popular culture. The younger generation is more exposed to celebrity culture and follows influencers who often share their cosmetic procedures openly. This exposure creates a desire among Gen Z to replicate the appearance of their favorite celebrities and influencers.

Breaking Taboos and Widening Availability

In the past, cosmetic surgery and enhancements were often associated with secrecy and restricted to individuals of a certain financial status or age group. However, celebrities like the Kardashian-Jenners have played a prominent role in breaking taboos around these procedures. For instance, Kylie Jenner's lip fillers caused a stir on social media in 2014 and 2015, sparking speculations and discussions about cosmetic enhancements. When she eventually acknowledged the use of lip fillers, it diminished the taboo associated with getting work done, leading to more openness and acceptance.

Furthermore, advancements in medical tourism have made cosmetic procedures more widely available. Dubai, with its reputation for luxury and advanced medical facilities, has emerged as a popular destination for people seeking various treatments. The city's combination of high-quality medical services and a reputation for luxury attracts individuals from around the world. This has contributed to the growth of the cosmetic surgery market in Dubai, making it a hub for both locals and international patients.

The Growth of the Cosmetic Surgery Market

The global market for cosmetic surgery has seen consistent growth in recent years. According to a report by the Business Research Company, the market size reached $42.55 billion in 2020 and is expected to reach $46.45 billion by 2023, with a compound annual growth rate of 9.2%. This growth can be attributed to several factors, including technological advancements in the field and the increasing accessibility of procedures. With more people considering cosmetic surgery than ever before, the industry's boom shows no signs of slowing down.

The Role of Social Media and Beauty Bias

Dr. Elmeligy believes that social media and celebrity culture play a crucial role in popularizing cosmetic treatments. The influence of societal beauty standards and the desire for influence and approval have always been part of human involvement and evolution. However, the younger generation's exposure to idealized beauty standards on social media has intensified these desires for physical perfection. Social media platforms often promote unrealistic beauty standards, creating a beauty bias that fuels the appetite for cosmetic procedures among Gen Z.

Psychiatrist Dr. Nada Omer Mohamed Elbashir from Abu Dhabi's Burjeel Hospital echoes these sentiments, emphasizing that while some individuals may experience a boost in self-esteem from cosmetic enhancements, it is not a solution for underlying mental health issues. Social media's impact on self-confidence and self-acceptance has led many young adults to turn to cosmetic procedures in search of an almost guaranteed boost in self-esteem. However, it is crucial to address and prioritize the underlying mental health issues rather than resorting to cosmetic enhancements as a solution.

Dr. Elbashir warns that cosmetic procedures carry mental health risks and may not address the root causes of low self-esteem or body dysmorphic disorder. Some individuals may remain preoccupied with their physical appearance, perceiving flaws and defects that may not align with reality. For others, cosmetic procedures may be sought as a solution for underlying psychological struggles like depression, which often remain undiagnosed. Therefore, it is essential for medical professionals to approach cosmetic procedures with caution and consider the potential impact on patients' overall well-being.

The Impact of the Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant influence on the demand for cosmetic procedures. Lockdowns and increased use of video conferencing have made individuals more self-conscious and aware of their physical features. Spending prolonged periods on social media platforms has also resulted in heightened comparison and self-criticism. Dr. Elbashir explains that while people have spent unmatched amounts of time on social platforms, they have pushed themselves further into a cycle of comparing their physical features to others, leading to an increased desire for cosmetic enhancements.


The surge in demand for cosmetic surgery procedures among Gen Z in Dubai and globally is driven by several factors, including the influence of social media, unrealistic beauty standards, and the wider availability of procedures. As these cosmetic enhancements become more normalized, it is crucial to ensure responsible practices and considerations for individuals' overall well-being, including mental health. While cosmetic procedures may provide temporary confidence boosts, they should not be seen as a solution for underlying psychological struggles. By addressing the impact of social media, promoting realistic beauty standards, and prioritizing mental health, we can create a healthier approach to cosmetic enhancements and empower individuals to feel confident in their natural beauty.

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